The robust thermo scientific multiskan fc microplate photometer is designed for a wide variety of research and routine applications. Multiskan sky microplate spectrophotometer is a uvvis microplate reader designed to be convenient and easy to use for virtually any photometric research application, especially dna, rna and protein analysis. Thermo fisher scientific multiskan fc microplate photometer type 357condition. Multiskan go microplate spectrophotometer from thermo. View and download thermo scientific multiskan sky user manual online. Up to three reagent dispensers can be fitted onboard, making the reagent addition simple and highly accurate. N16046 the instrument software also provides context sensitive help. Comes complete with computer running ascent software, users manual, all communication and power cables. How to use this user manual this user manual is for the following instruments, multiskan fcmultiskan fc with incubator. Multiskan ascent offers superior photometric measurement performance for 96 and 384well plates. The powerful ascent software is supplied freeofcharge with the purchase of the instrument.
The thermo scientific multiskan fc, as standalone or with thermo scientific skanit. Che 402 physical chemistry lab instructions for the multiskan uvvis plate reader. The multiskan go, as standalone or with thermo scientific skanit software, can be used in research laboratories by professional personnel. The multiskan plus comes with flexible internal software. Iqoqpq the instrument qualification iqoqpq package is availbale for the multiskan ascent. Thermofisher scientific multiskan mcc340 microplate reader. Multiskan ascent 96384 plate reader with ascent software, and user manuals multiskan ascent offers superior photometric measurement performance for 96 and 384well plates. Thermo titertek model 354 multiskan ascent microplate reader fisher 384 96 for sale online. Visual internal software on a large color screen for quick measurements. To access the thermo scientificskanit software protocols for the multiskan go, please complete the form below. Thermo electron corporation multiskan ascent biosurplus.
This thermo multiskan verification plate is used and in excellent condition. Skanit software for multiskan spectrum, drug discovery edition. Multiskan sky is intended to be used in research laboratories by qualified personnel. Thermo scientific multiskan ex from thermo fisher scientific. Product specifications thermo scientific multiskan ex.
Ascent software has a special remote control interface for robotic use which enables easy integration with robotics and lims systems. The versatile onboard software of multiskan ex allows end point and kinetic reading modes. It provides unlimited wavelength selection, measurement at low uv to visible wavelengths and both cuvette and microplate reading capabilities. Good working condition ran a mock test with no issuescomes with filter. Skanit software protocols for the multiskan go thermo. Windowsbased ascent software is designed to power all thermo. Detection ascent software michigan state university. Instruments come with 1 filter pairs of choice, manual, line cord and three year warranty from factory trained engineers. Whether you need to measure photometry, fluorometry, luminometry, timeresolved fluorometry or alphascreen, we offer a microplate reader solution for your lab. The optical system of the multiskan ex meets the requirements of current eia technology, offering a linear measurement range up to 3. Thermofisher scientific multiskan ascent 96384 plate reader. See the features of the allinone plate reader control and analysis software for thermo scientific microplate readers.
Clear and easytofollow approach ascent software is divided into two. Thermo scientific multiskan fc user manual pdf download. This instrument reads the plate rapidly and can be. N18965 thermo scientific skanit software for microplate readers technical manual. About this user manual intended users thermo fisher scientific thermo scientific multiskan go user manual 3 about this user manual the multiskan go, as standalone or with thermo scientific skanit software, can be used in research laboratories by professional personnel.
For more details on instrumentrelated issues, refer to the multiskan go user manual cat. Safety and special notices make sure you follow the precautionary statements presented in this guide or on the instrument. Thermo scientfic multiskan ascent software 2803520cd is one of the many quality laboratory and scientific products we have to offer at very competitive pricing. Thermo multiskan verification plate in stock, we buy sell. Whichever ascent microplate instrument you use, the highly visual ascent software always looks the same, providing familiar and flexible control. Thermofisher scientific multiskan ascent 96384 plate reader w original manual for sale online. From challenge analysis to product design, to devopspowered cicd automation, to cloudfirst experiences, to machine learning, to ai, and automated testing, ascent enables you to create a digital advantage of software that can be accessed from any device or location of choice, securely and at scale.
Some of the predecessor models of thermo scientific fluoroskan ascent fl, fluoroskan ascent, and luminoskan ascent may also be upgraded. Perform photometric research applications such as dna, rna and protein analysis with the thermo scientific multiskan go microplate spectrophotometer. How to use this user manual this user manual is for the following instruments, multiskan fc multiskan. Triad thermo multiskan ascent plate reader with ascent. Thermo scientific multiskan sky user manual thermo fisher scientific. This thermo labsystems 352 multiskan ms microplate reader is used and in excellent condition. The multiskan fc has a 340850 nm wavelength range, enabling a wide variety of applications from enzyme kinetic studies to lowry assays.
The pc software offers a wide range of data reductions and. These products typically do not have pictures or detailed descriptions. Description designed to ensure firstrate performance and high quality results with minimal user effort. This protocol library includes readymade software protocols that can be used to run commercially available or commonly wellknown assays with the thermo scientific multiskan go microplate spectrophotometer. The ease of robotic integration makes the multiskan ascent ideal for highvolume testing.
Manual and automatic data exporting x x x x x x remote control x x x x x x system requirements. The software is royalty free, so users of compatible thermo scientific microplate readers can freely install skanit software on multiple pcs. Classleading accuracy, precision and linearity multiskan ascent is suited to kinetic. Moreover, skanit software allows easy assay setup and powerful data handling. Use multiskan sky as standalone the models with the touch screen or with thermo scientific skanit software.
Refurbished thermo labsystems multiskan ascent 354 microplate. This absorbance reader is ideal for multiuser environments where a variety of endpoint, kinetic and spectral assays are performed. Thermo multiskan fc microplate reader available at the lab world group. Manufacturer specifications multiskan mcc340, thermofisher scientific please note. Flexible cutoff calculations and curve fit algorithms give multiskan ex increased flexibility for data manipulation in various diagnostic applications. Multiskan fc brings together over 40 years experience of the wellknown multiskan product brand, with features for enhanced usability. For pc software related issues, refer to the thermo scientific skanit software for microplate. Thermo scientfic multiskan ascent software 2803520cd 89037806 is part of a wide selection of thermo scientfic microplate readers. Thermo scientific multiskan go microplate spectrophotometer.
Thermo scientific multiskan spectrum spectrophotometer offers a high number of capabilities in one instrument. Once skanit software is installed, skanit cloud library is readily available for use. The fisher scientific encompass program offers items which are not part of our distribution portfolio. Microplate readers thermo fisher scientific australia. Detection multiskan ascent 18 multiskan ascent multiskan ascent is capable of reading 96 and 384well plates with outstanding accuracy, precision, linearity and speed. This user manual is for the following instruments, multiskan go wo cuvette. Default wavelengths are 340, 405, 414, 492,540,620.
The multiskan ex comes with flexible internal software. Thermo scientific ascent software from thermo fisher. Thermo scientfic multiskan ascent software 2803520cd free. Thermo ascent software flexible, easytouse software to control all members of the ascent microplate reader family. The most reliable microplate instruments for the highest performance and best results product catalog 2010. Thermo fisher scientific thermo scientific multiskan fc user manual 3 about this user manual the multiskan fc, as standalone or with skanit software, can be used in research and routinetest laboratories by professional personnel. The multiskan go, as standalone or with thermo scientific skanit.
Exceptional reliability and extended threeyear warranty on the thermo multiskan ex with over 25,000 units sold worldwide, the multiskan has earned a global. Thermo scientific multiskan go uvvis microplate spectrophotometer offers free wavelength selection for both 96 and 384well plates and various types of cuvettes. Thermo multiskan ascent plate reader with ascent software never used, still in the box, with software and cables. The extended memory holds up to 64 assay protocols. Skanit software for microplate readers software version 6. This reader is fast and accurate, reading the whole plate in only 5 seconds. The thermo labsystems multiskan rcms ex microplate readers are 8channel vertical light path filter photometers designed to perform both standard photometric and agglutination measurements. It runs on windows xp, but still works and the original software and manual are included. The fluoroskan ascent fl and fluoroskan ascent are also fully compatible with thermo scientific robotic plate handling devices, expanding the measurement capacity. Microplate reader thermo multiskan ascent w warrantycurrent vwr list price.
This user manual is for the following instruments, multiskan go wo. The multiskan fc, as standalone or with skanit software, can be used in research and routinetest laboratories by professional personnel. Home products spectrometer plate reader uvvis labsystems multiskan ascent 354 microplate reader advanced search keywords. Aug 26, 2015 che 402 physical chemistry lab instructions for the multiskan uvvis plate reader. The multiskan ex is a basic reader for endpoint and kinetic assays.
Upload files that contain software or other material protected by intellectual property laws or by rights of privacy of publicity unless you own or control the rights thereto or have received all necessary consents. Fluoroskan ascent fluorescence cf cell reading fluorescence. Ascent software windowsbased ascent software is designed to power all thermo. Skanit software upgrade package is also compatible with the discontinued fluoroskan ascent, fluoroskan ascent fl, and luminoskan ascent microplate readers. Multiskan go microplate spectrophotometer from thermo scientific. Thermo labsystems multiskan rcmsex in stock, we buy. Thermo multiskan ex software for pc control multiskan ex can also be controlled by computer. Fluoroskan ascent and fluoroskan ascent fl microplate. For use with, fluoroskan, fluoroskan fl, luminoskan, fluoroskan ascent. This user manual is for the following instruments, multiskan fc multiskan fc with incubator. Fluoroskan ascent and fluoroskan ascent fl microplate fluorometers, thermo scientific. Npl traceable verification plate pvt diskette to performance verification test sessions for ascent software, reference absorbance files for eight preselected wavelengths 340, 405, 414, 450, 492, 540, 620, 690 nm.
Ascent software features a clear and easytofollow approach with highly visual assay setup, userfriendly and highly sophisticated data handling, and. How to use this user manual this user manual is for the following instruments, multiskan fc multiskan fc with incubator. Both the user and software manuals can be found in pdf format on the thermo scientific skanit software. The multiskan fc is part of the analyzing system used by the end user, who therefore is responsible for validation of the whole system for reliable and safe results. For software related issues, refer to the thermo scientific skanit software for multiskan spectrum user manual cat. Parts for multiskan ascent from thermo scientific brand microplate readers offered by unity lab services, part of thermo fisher scientific. Multiskan ascent 96384 plate reader mtx lab systems. The multiskan fc, as standalone instrument or with skanit software, can be used in research or routinetest laboratories by professional personnel. The thermo scientific multiskan fc, as standalone or with thermo scientific skanit software, can be used in research and routinetest laboratories by professional personnel.
Thermo fisher scientific thermo scientific multiskan sky user manual. Thermo labsystems 352 multiskan ms microplate reader. Skanit software for microplate readers thermo fisher scientific. Data is stored in ascii format, and is easily handled in ms excel, for example.
Thermo scientific user manuals download manualslib. Software, can be used in research laboratories by professional personnel. Features by instrument fluoroskan fluoroskan luminoskan multiskan multiskan nepheloskan ascent fl ascent ascent ascent ex ascent template editor for. With skanit software, you have full control over the instrument settings for all your. Thermo scientific multiskan sky microplate spectrophotometer includes software for sale online. Thermo fisher scientific thermo scientific multiskan go user manual 3 about this user manual the multiskan go, as standalone or with thermo scientific skanit software, can be used in research laboratories by professional personnel. Multiskan go microplate spectrophotometer available from the lab world group.
Multiskan sky measuring instruments pdf manual download. Thermo scientific multiskan spectrum user manual rev. Multiskan ex 17 skanit software 19 ascent software 20. Skanit microplate reader software thermo fisher scientific us. The thermo multiskan verification plate comprises six neutral density filter glasses with the following nominal absorbances. This user manual is for the following instruments, multiskan. The files contain protocols for the thermo scientific skanit software version 3. Used labsystems multiskan ascent 354 microplate reader 800.
Thermo scientific multiskan sky user manual pdf download. Multiskan fc microplate photometer, thermo scientific vwr. This instrument reads the plate rapidly and can be connected to robotic systems for increased throughput in photometric reading. No description 5185410cd ascent software for fluoroskan ascent fl 5185430cd ascent software for multiskan ex 5185450cd ascent software for luminoskan ascent ascent software. The instrument combines the established quality of the multiskan product line with a large color screen, visual internal software, and multiple language options to ensure reliable performance and userfriendly operation. The ndf glasses can be calibrated at any of eight wavelengths ranging form 320 to 850nm. Product specifications thermo scientific multiskan ex the thermo scientic multiskan ex is an ideal tool for customers who need a robust and an easytouse benchtop microplate photometer for basic elisa applications.
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